Our Quarterly Coaching service

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Owning your own business is hard work and can often make you feel unsupported. Quarterly Coaching will provide you with accountability and support to keep you on target towards achieving the goals you’ve set in your Business Plan. We will ensure your Business Plan remains a living, working document and is a filter through which all decisions are made.

Our Quarterly Coaching service gives you the chance to:

  • Meet regularly with one of our senior team members
  • Use the best information to make better business decisions
  • Review your results and clarify areas of improvement
  • Set 90 day goals and identify strategies to achieve them
  • Establish a timeline to help achieve your Business Plan

Ideally, Quarterly Coaching takes place once you have completed your Business Plan, so it becomes the guide against which all decisions are made. However, the coaching programme can also be used to help work through major changes in your business circumstances, or to help you implement a strategic or succession plan.

By attending our Quarterly Coaching, you’ll:

  • Increase your business’s profitability and cashflow
  • Develop an understanding of the key drivers of your business and what impacts them
  • Improve your business performance by identifying ways to overcome challenging issues
  • Keep your Business Plan as a ‘living document’ to ensure you are working towards your goals

Call us now on 03 3375287 to further discuss our Quarterly Coaching Service.

We look forward to supporting you to achieve your goals.